Sunday, December 30, 2012

Georgia is Two Months Old!

Georgia-you are two months old today!

Has it really already been two months? Time sure flies when you're having fun!
[This picture cracks me up! It's like she's saying, "So I'm the one that's two months old?" Ha!]
We will find out your stats when we go to the doctor this week but you are wearing a size 1 diaper and 0-3 month clothes and some 3-6 months. You are probably somewhere between 10-11 pounds.

You are a very easy and sweet baby. We have started taking you places and you do so good. You have been to church the last 4-5 weeks and you let everyone just pass you around. You love napping in your carseat.

You are sleeping great! Most nights you sleep between 6-8 hours. You are still sleeping in your pack n' play bassinet by our bed. You love your paci when you are ready to go to sleep.

You have really started being more expressive and responding to stimulation. You will smile and laugh when people talk to you! And you have started trying to talk back ha! You love your swing and you have the cutest little grin.

Mommy and daddy love you more and more everyday. I can't wait to see what the new year has in store for our little family. Happy 2 months, GGH!

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