Monday, November 10, 2014

Rosemary Beach 2014

Last week we took a trip to the beach for our friends James and Ashley's wedding. The wedding was at beautiful Rosemary Beach, Florida. This was our first time to this beach so we were excited about exploring a new area and enjoying the wedding festivities.
We flew from Nashville on Halloween because the rehearsal dinner was that night. I should note that at this point we were suspicious we might have a sick girl on our hands but couldn't confirm it. This was the best picture I could get of our Princess Anna at the airport so that should tell you something. She was actually originally wearing Halloween pajamas but threw up on the way to the airport so we made a costume change into our Halloween attire. The cape served as a blanket so it worked well.

This girl missed getting a free plane ticket by 24 hours! She turned two on Thursday and we flew on Friday. We did have frequent flyer miles that paid for our tickets so that made it easier to swallow. Plus the extra seat for space was nice to have.

When we arrived we unloaded everything into our house and headed down to the beach for a few hours. She wasn't feeling great but I think the sun and sand perked her up a bit.

And then the next day it was wedding day! My beautiful little flower girl. I thought she looked like a little princess. And her wool cardigan was the perfect accessory until we walked down the aisle :) She enterained us while we all got ready.
And the beautiful bride!!! She was absolutely radiant. I've never seen her look so beautiful.

It was so cold on Saturday for the wedding. Like my body was completely numb by the end of the ceremony! So we had moments like this...
And moments like this :) She was a trooper though, I was proud of her!
I love this picture of her lining up with Pastor Gregg, James and the groomsmen. At this point I was hopeful she was going to walk down the aisle with the other flower girl Lola.
But plans changed at the last minute and she walked down the aisle with mommy :) That's a big job for a barely two year old and I know Ashley was proud of her regardless of how she got down the aisle. She did walk most of the way once we got in the sand. I just love this picture my boss's wife Gina snapped!
But then she spotted Gammy, Daddy, Mamaw and Gran Stan and she was done. This was her last appearance in the wedding ceremony ha!
 Despite the cold it was an absolutely beautiful day. Not a cloud in the sky.
Now pronouncing Mr. & Mrs. James Runion!
Ash was one of my very first friends so to be able to share this day with her means so so much. I have prayed for her husband often over the past several years and the good Lord provided. Congrats Aunt Ash and Uncle James!!
Just a few highlights from the big event. It was eventful for us but very fun!

After the wedding we took wedding party pictures and then headed to the (heated) reception. It felt so good to get warm!! We ate, let GGH dance, watched them cut the cake and then headed back to the room to check on Marcus. It was a balancing act all day but we made it work.

Rhonda (mother of the bride) and my Mom. They are the best of friends and more like sisters! Love them both dearly.
The bride and her lovely bridesmaids all in a row. The reception was gorgeous! We had the best time while we were there.
Flower girl down! She lasted long enough for us to get her home and in her Christmas flamingo pajamas (they are a hand-me-down, Carters brand) before she was gone.
We decided to stay two more days after the wedding since school was out on Monday and Tuesday for the election. I'm really glad we did because it would've been a super short trip and it warmed up so we could enjoy the beach.
The rest of the week the weather was great so we spent as much time in the sun as we could. The pool was too cold to swim in so we stayed at the beach and in the grassy area by the pool overlooking the ocean. It was snacktime! Actually it's always snacktime :)

One afternoon it was just me and baby boy on the beach while the baby and Daddy napped and the rest of the family hung out by the pool. I have had very little time to just slow down and enjoy his company between having a toddler and renovating our house. This was a nice little retreat :)
We did a little shopping in the morning when it wasn't quite warm enough to put our bathing suits on yet. This girl picked out everything pink. She claims her favorite color is orange but I beg to differ.
I just love this sweet picture of my two favorites. The beach was empty so it felt like we had it all to ourselves. She had the best time just playing in the sand with us. These moments of just the three of us on the beach I will always cherish.
The last day we stayed until nearly sunset because why not? We always take a summer beach vacation but with the baby coming in the spring who knows what next summer will look like. We wanted to soak up as much as we could.
I don't mind getting sandy for my girl!
Even though the week started out hard with two under the weather it ended on a much higher note. And it was nice to take a little break from the normal, everyday life. The beach is definitely our happy place. 

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