Thursday, October 29, 2015

Halloween Week

Halloween falls on Saturday this year which is the best because it gives us the weekend to celebrate and the week leading up to it to prepare. It also means Georgia's birthday is on a Friday this year which is always a good day for a birthday. We have had a busy week getting ready for both big events! 

Oh Jack boy. He didn't get the memo that the sabbath is for rest. On Sunday he was squealing at the top of his lungs, demanding to be held all day and eating like it was his job. It's a good thing he is so cute ;)

On Sunday Georgia went up for children's church. My friend Brandy took this picture and it melts me. We are taking baby steps to prepare her for leaving the nursery and going to a Sunday School class and attending worship service.

Monday was a preschool day and it was their annual event of carving a pumpkin and counting the seeds. Isn't this the cutest sweeties you've ever seen! 

Already mastered the silly faces. Love it!

They feel inside of the pumpkin and bake the pumpkin seeds for a snack. She thought it was gooey!

Monday night we had our annual popcorn ball making night at Grandmomma's house. Daddy and Georgia Grace operated the popcorn popping station.

Owen took care of any imperfect products.

The in-laws were summoned to the stirring hot molasses and rolling popcorn balls jobs. We decided we were stuck with the most dangerous jobs because we were replaceable as opposed to the blood kin relatives HA! 

She ended up on top of him in a choke hold but it started off super sweet. She told us the other day, "Jack is my favorite boy in the whole world".

Three year and six month checkups happened on Tuesday. Georgia Grace has turned a 180 from her previous doctor's visits. She has always loved her pediatrician but would be nervous and fear going to the doctor's office. Tuesday she let them check her out thoroughly and used her manners and was such a joy. She is healthy as an ox. She is back on the weight growth chart (26 1/2 pounds, 10th percentile) and is in the 80th percentile for height (3' even). She had her BP taken (81/68), received her flu mist, and was on her way with a new book and sticker!

Jack boy had a great checkup too. He is 17 pounds, 28" (90th percentile) and his head continues to be in the 99th percentile. Poor boy had two vaccines and a flu shot so his experience wasn't as jolly but he didn't have any symptoms after the shots thank goodness. I am so so thankful for two healthy babies!!

Wednesday night was our trunk-or-treat event at church. I couldn't come up with anything biblical so Georgia went as one of the pigs on Noah's Ark. She won most biblical in the 0-2 age group! :) I think she was the only animal. We were at the beach last year on Halloween so she doesn't remember trick-or-treating at all, she loved it! We had a meal and then games afterward that she loved. It was a fun night and I am so thankful for our church family and especially youth group that made this event possible. 
This costume is from two Halloweens ago but I love it and it still fits. She got called a poodle a few times. I could just eat her up in it!!

Sweet friends Ellie, Georgia, Eliza and Ava. It makes me happy to see them grow up together!
Tomorrow is the big day. We will have a three year old. Someone hold me because I am not ready. She is though, most people can't believe she is still two. She is a mature baby and advanced so in some ways I feel like she has acted like a three year old for some time. I am so proud to be her momma!

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