Thursday, January 7, 2016

Routine and Resolution

This was our first week back in routine following winter break and it has been such a good week. Our new routines and bedtimes and activities have me feeling rejuvenated and like I am on top of things for once. It may not last but I am going to enjoy it while it does.
It's no secret I love to match these two. I now think about a matching set for Jack when I shop for Georgia. It has changed how I shop but I love it so much. We wore our snowmen smocked outfits to church Sunday hoping to bring a little winter weather but all we got was just cold temps.
Sunday afternoon we went to our friend Landry's ONEderland birthday party. The two babes with sweet girls Gracie and Olivia. Jack loved all the attention from the ladies!
We tried to get a picture of our four kiddos and this was the best out of several from my phone and Abby's phone! Sigh, oh well, at least they are all in the frame.

I loved my mail day on Wednesday. I'm so looking forward to this bible study that puts the scriptures all together as one seamless story. I want to know more about the places and characters. Spending more time in the word is my new year's resolution. This will be a great supplement!
Marcus and I have resolved to read the bible through this year and we are using this plan. I've read the Bible straight through from Genesis to Revelations but I think this plan that follows a more chronological timeline will be more beneficial for me. I can already see after just a week of committed reading that it is making me a better Christian, wife and mother.
Speaking of mothering. This boy. He is growing leaps and bounds. He is crawling everywhere, wants to pull up on everything and he is trying to walk. He is also about all I can hold these days! I'm anxious to see where he is on the growth chart when we go for his checkup next week.
This girl ate a really good supper so her reward was one two bowls of mint chocolate chip ice cream, her favorite!
Bathtime is interesting now with Jack so mobile. He wants to stand up and crawl around in the tub. There is usually more water out of the tub than in the tub before it's over.
But gosh who cares when this dreamy boy is the culprit :)
Happy weekend y'all! No big plans for us but I'm excited for slow mornings and extra play time.

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