Thursday, March 10, 2016

Ordinary That Will Be Extraordinary

I don't like this once a week blogging rut I'm in but it is what it is. Life is going faster than I can quantify and I'm just trying to hang on. It's nothing major, just the normal mundane activities that are ordinary but will be extraordinary someday. Like taking your three year old daughter to ballet class and wrangling your 10 month old in the waiting area while he picks up every smidgen on the floor and sticks it in his mouth. And then he falls into a fan and lets out a near death cry that makes you want to crawl in a big hole because I know it's a dramatic cry but every other mom thinks we are headed to the hospital stat. I will miss even those moments too.

I'm more nostalgic than normal as of late and I am sure it is because we are on the cusp on Jack's first birthday. It is maddening how fast 365 days can go. They never went this fast when I was the awkward middle schooler or the stressed out college girl. I had said it before and I will say it again, time is no mother's friend.

When Marcus and I say our nightly prayer together, I have added that I will appreciate each and every day and just enjoy my babies. Enjoy everything about them. The easy, the hard, the fun, the somber. I probably won't miss the big events as much as I will miss the rocking to sleep, feeding them a meal or playing together in the floor. That is the ordinary that will be extraordinary someday. Someday a lot sooner than I will desire it to be.

Here is a quick slideshow of our week:

The difference in boys and girls. Georgia would sit in the rocker, Jack would rather climb it like a mountain.

I am a sucker for anything with a bunny on it so the bunny outfits started last week. And Sunday officially felt like the beginning of spring to me! Thankful for a new season of life.

Sunday our twin friends Kypton and Erica came over to play with their JuJu. Juleah is one of my first and best friends and it was so good to see her and catch up. I have never seen her so happy and I am so excited for what her future holds!

I do believe spring is arriving early this year (insert hallelujah chorus) so I changed our closets over last weekend. Of course hers is my favorite.

I don't share videos on here a lot because they are kind of a pain to deal with (and of course don't transfer to my blog book) but I couldn't pass this one up. She was reluctant, and had a little bit of a 'tude, but I will take it!

It's hard to believe this is our resort room key, park tickets, and fast passes all in one arm band. I'm loving that Jack has one too even though he doesn't need a ticket/pass for anything. 23 days! I'm the most excited for all!

We are already playing outside until it gets dark and it feels so good! She inherited my love for being outside and exploring.

The found the Easter eggs. And sippy cup cabinet. And paper towels. Such big helpers while mommy cooked supper!

I told her to pose before we went into ballet class :)
She was saying her nightly prayer this week and it went something like "thank you for mommy, daddy, my doggy Owen that is in heaven, Jack, help me to color in the lines.... HA! Out of the mouth of babes.

She has learned so much in just two months of taking dance. Dance class is the highlight of her week!

"Hide and seek" in the tub. He didn't inherit his mother's phobia of shower curtains. There is a hilarious video to go with this but it contains some nudity :)

This week is National School Breakfast Week and I have spent a lot of time in our schools teaching nutrition education. One of our elementary schools has this huge 12 foot tall collage made out of bottle caps in the cafeteria! I am just in awe of how amazing it is. Kudos to their art department!

TGIF! I hope to be back Monday with a weekend update. Thanks for reading, friends!

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