Monday, April 20, 2020

Healthy At Home

We are starting week six of being healthy at home. It hasn't felt like six weeks to me. I think we stayed so busy that the slow down was much welcomed and embraced. Of course I wish the circumstances were different but I've enjoyed the ability to get my housework, regular work and Masters class work done while still fitting in time for family and myself. No complaints here!

I never want to forget that at seven, she loved reading through recipe books. She will take them outside if it's a pretty day to read them or read them inside if it's cool. I love this about her.

This boy is just anxious to get his school work done every morning so he can get outside ASAP. That face says it all! We have continued with the paper plate letters and numbers and he has made a lot of progress. I hope we have a normal Kindergarten year to prepare for! There's so much unknown right now.

After she reads her recipe books, of course we have to try them out.

She still loves making her cooking videos but now that her recipes have become more complicated, our videos end up being pretty long. A friend told me about iMovie on your iPad that I'm going to try to edit the clips down. She hopes to produce more cooking videos soon!

The day daddy and pa went to pick up our new toy. It's an odd time to make purchases like this with so many places closed but we found a good deal.

I found this in Georgia's room last week. Give her all the babies.

Owen went on an errand outing with us last week. He whimpered until we allowed him up front which ended up being him nearly in the driver's seat! He has no idea how big he is.

I found my garden notes from last year to help us prepare for this year. We are hoping to plant tomorrow. I can't wait!

Easter activities blended in with birthday fun this year but we did dye eggs one afternoon. 

The Easter bunny came and brought a few goodies, mostly fun things we can do this summer.

The kids have enjoyed our days at home and having neighbor friends to play with has definitely helped! I thought this was so sweet to see when I looked out my back door.

Owen has been pampered while we've been home. He looks annoyed but he really loves it.

Of course the four-wheeler found all the mud. This was sis after she helped pull her brother out of the garden spot. He was worse but a picture didn't happen.

Our yard officially has ruts, that didn't take long ;)

Family game night of Dominoes has been fun. Some nights we do a game and some nights we do a movie. The kids switch teams based on who is winning ha!

Georgia had a zoom meeting with her class this week. She loved seeing her teacher and classmates!

A few of her classmates and Mrs. Willoughby. We were officially told today that school will not resume this year. My heart goes out to Kindergarten parents that won't get to experience their child's full K year and of course high school seniors. I'm sure we will learn more in the days to come about how we will finish the year from home. 

I have been putting the family recipe book I received for Christmas to good use over the break. I'll share more about this book sometime but it's probably my new favorite possession.

Kids approved of my version of Gram's fried potatoes!

I FINALLY perfected mamaw's cornbread. It has taken two years of practice but I finally achieved appearance, taste and texture all in one. I don't think it's a coincidence it happened during a time that we can't see my mamaw and taste her cornbread on Wednesday nights. 

He smelled sausage and G is a pushover for feeding him table scraps!

He also found his way to my cornbread sitting on the kitchen island and helped himself

Jack's letter progression. The top are the ones he still needs to work on and the bottom he has learned! I am so proud and feel much better about his start to Kindergarten in the fall.

Jack saw this cow on the side of his CFA bag and asked me to cut it out because it reminded him of himself with a mimi. The kids decided to name him and I thought it was clever.

I'm sitting on our porch on a beautiful spring day as I type this. We are all healthy and safe. I know how quickly those circumstances can change. I have a very thankful heart today <3

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