Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Back To Reality

June has gotten away from me. I feel like we just returned from our vacation (it was three weeks ago) but instead, we are nearly to July! Here is a little picture overload of what this month has looked like for us.
When we came home from the beach, G had a itty bitty bikini waiting on her from Ma! She knows this is just to be worn in Ma's pool but it's safe to say she loves it ;)
The back-I can't handle it!

Ma and the grandbabies enjoying a summer night

This is what nights look like for me. I'm usually up late eating, working or just battling insomnia and two of the boys are sound asleep beside me. 

The jeep has had the miles put on it this month. We have went on several jeep rides and gave our other vehicles a break when it's a pretty day. We love the jeep life.

Brinley came over to play one afternoon. I love this picture of two cuties. They love playing together!

2020 is the year of home projects. We upgraded our shutters to new wooden ones. I really love them and how they coordinate with our front door.

There were no shutters on this side of the house and we didn't realize until Marcus hung these how bad they were needed. I love them!

I feel like it brought the house from the 90'/2000's to today.

Garden update-June 8th. Zucchini almost big enough to pick!

She may be small but she is mighty. It looks like it's going to be another good year for our little garden.

Jack finally had his five year check-up after a two month delay due to COVID. He was great and they said he looked perfect. Unfortunately we didn't get to see Dr. Lee as he is not seeing patients right now but Dr. Wendee took good care of us.

He passed his hearing screening with flying colors. They now have you to wait in your car until it's time for you to see the doctor and I loved it. I hope that is a change that sticks around post-COVID.

We had a cookout for some friends and I had two helpers in the kitchen-one shucking corn and one cutting peaches for homemade peach ice cream!

Nathan, Rachel, Marcus and I took the jeep to the lake one evening and ate at Shady Cliff. It was so yummy! Just look how huge those filets are. And we never remember to take pictures together!

Garden update 6/14. Zucchini and spinach are coming in full swing.

6/14-we also have lots of squash blooms and small green tomatoes! A few jalapenos are almost ready as well.

AKK friends. They missed each other so much and were excited to reunite on June 15th!

I have finally perfected my mamaw's fried squash and zucchini recipe. This was one of my favorite things she fixed growing up and now that we have a supply in our front yard, I had to get it right. The kids are going to be sick of it in a few week ha!

We've been putting the spinach to good use by putting it in smoothies.

For documentation sake, I want to mention our project we are doing with Jack right now. Jack hasn't ever been able to stay dry through the night. He might a night or two here and there but he has consistently always been a bedwetter. I talked to Dr. Wendee about it and she recommended the bedwetting sensor. The sensor detects moisture on the underwear and notifies you by a long sound and vibration. The goal is to train your body to give up on its own before you have to go. The first night he woke up at 2:45 peeing and never even noticed the sensor! This confirmed our theory that he is in such a deep sleep that his body does not wake itself up. He has consistently peed one time a night since we started using the sensor. We have now started setting an alarm at 2am every night to get him up and take him to pee and so far that is working well. Maybe we can get it resolved before he starts school but if not, we realize this is normal and he will get it when his body is ready! He was very excited about his sensor.

I treated him to Sno Shack while sister went to piano lessons. Yay for doing normal things again!

Rachel and I picked up peaches from The Peach Truck last week. You could pre-order a 25 pound box and the truck came to Bowling Green for you to pick up. I was so excited for these. If you know me well, you know this is my favorite food in the world!

Garden update 6/18/20-Zucchini, squash, green tomatoes, spinach and jalapenos! 

We have spent lots of time in the sun and in the pool. It's been a beautiful summer so far. This is Jack's "high dive" lol

We swam with our Salmons cousins and had a ball. They are all waterdogs!

Uncle Cody was in town so of course we had to get a picture. He is moving from Seattle to Nashville in July and we couldn't be more excited to have him closer to home. He seemed equally as excited.

Mamaw with her great-grands
Mom and the grands

We attended our neighbor Nick's 40th birthday party. His mom and sister surprised him with the party, it was so sweet. We had fun and I loved just walking through the yard home when it was time to put the kids to bed :)

Georgia, Carley and Ava hanging out at Nick's party-neighborhood friends!

Last weekend we took off to the lake with two kayaks, three kids (two big kids and one in mama's belly!), three floats, two coolers, one dog and lots of accessories in between. We were loaded for bare!

Rachel had to get our picture when we pulled up looking all outdoorsy. It was a fun ride with all our gear in tow.

They added a ladder to the dock which made swimming easier. These two had a ball!

This boy had a big time too! We love our best buds Roman and Harris.

Owen was a hot pup but he loved being in the middle of all the lake action! He was not getting in though, he's pretty timid to try new things.

The boys put the yaks to good use

He was more comfortable on the way home sitting on the side instead of in the middle. I love this picture of him <3

Owen and I decided to watch daddy and the kids playing in the yard from an upstairs bedroom window :)

Selfies are easier than bump pictures these days so that's what I'm mostly taking. Mommy and baby enjoying some porch sitting while the other three rode four wheelers in the yard.

My buntings have proudly been up for a few weeks now and I leave them up all of July.

Rachel gave me a wonderful cobbler recipe and I had to try it out with some berries we had at home.

Marcus and the kids raved about it. I'm adding it to my family recipes book. If it's worthy of going in my family recipe book, it's something to write home about.

Garden update 6/24/20: Added in some cucumbers and the squash are really producing now.

Swimming at AKK's. I love those puffed out cheeks!

We finally were able to celebrate Jack's 5th birthday on Friday with his requested pirate pool party

He wanted to dress up as a full blown pirate but settled for trunks with a few tattoos so he could swim with his friends :)
His adorable cake made by Kayla Fulton. It tasted great too!

We kept things very simple for this party. We still were a week shy of the 50 people gathering restriction lift so we didn't do food-just cake, ice cream and drinks for a late evening party. 

He was happy with cake and swimming!

I found adorable party favors on amazon. We made treasure boxes with an eye patch, tattoos, gold coins, jewels and a pirate hat. I loved the pirate theme that he chose.

I'm so thankful for all of his friends and cousins that could make it to celebrate our boy. He is so loved!

He had been on slime probation for a bad decision he made but was finally lifted from the ban this weekend. I've never seen someone so excited to make slime ha! 

Stringing out the slime for our picture. They know how much their mother loves slime-NOT.

They had their first slumber party at Uncle Eric and Aunt Paige's house Saturday night. This boy fell asleep about 10 minutes from their house. Extra rest was good for him (and them ha!).

While they spent the evening with their cousins, we actually went and dined in at a restaurant and shopped at Target. This was my first time in a restaurant (besides vacation) and in a store since February. And this was my first chance to physically shop for the baby as everything shut down before I was in baby mode. It lifted our spirits to do something normal and have a date night!

Georgia and Jack much preferred an evening with their cousins. Here they are cheering on Jack for hitting the baseball!

A bare belly shot. This is most likely our last baby so I'm trying to commemorate the journey as best I can.

Even after giving some away, the squash and zucchini have been rolling in faster than we can eat so we froze some to use later.

And that's a wrap on June! With the start of July, we are one month away from welcoming baby #3. We will be busy with the nursery and getting ready for the upcoming school year. See you in July!

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