Thursday, February 18, 2021

Christmas 2020

You know it's 2020 when you worry the whole month of December about catching covid and being quarantined for the holidays. It has been an unusual year and holiday season to say the least but the silver lining is the time we've had to pause and appreciate everything we have. The things that really matter in life seem to be magnified this year and for that I am thankful.

Our Christmas card 2020. It revolves around a baby boy, much similar to the first Christmas thousands of years ago. Thank you Jesus for another wonderful blessing we do not deserve but have prayed for and you answered.

Big boy doing his part to open one of his gifts from Gram. 

Snug as a bug in a rug! This boy loves to be swaddled just like his brother. We swaddle him every night for bed and houdini usually has at least one arm worked out by morning.

Baby's first Christmas calls for a lot of photo opportunities. You only get one first Christmas.

These two are besties and so much alike. They are just naturally drawn to each other. Is it birth order? Is it their free and wild spirits? I would say a little of both.

Lottie Kate is wearing one of Georgia's outgrown Christmas skirts. I sometimes look at them and I'm just in awe Paige and me have daughters! They might both look like their mamas just a little bit too :)

I found this selfie of G and John on the ipad and it makes me happy.
John's homemade hand ornament. I'll cherish this forever.
I was the most laidback about things I have ever been this Christmas. I've learned to not sweat the small stuff. I use to think you had to have your tree up the week of Thanksgiving or else. We bought our tree the weekend after Thanksgiving but didn't decorate it until the following weekend. Christmas still happened. Life with three kids and life in a pandemic has taught me to worry less and be thankful more.

Getting cookies and milk ready for Santa

Christmas morning 2021. My favorite picture I take every year.

The three best gifts Marcus and I could ask for. We seriously need nothing else.

Christmas morning snuggles.

The butt flap Christmas pjs are my favorite

Jack's big gift from Santa this year was a new guitar. He starts lessons in January!

Georgia's big gift this year was a pink camera and a new bike which was a surprise from Santa!

She put the camera to good use and took lots of pictures from Christmas morning. I love seeing Christmas through the eyes of eight year old Georgia.

One of her polaroids-she picked the caption ha!

Ruthie Joy enjoying Christmas at mamaw and papaw's. I love being the family photographer.

All six babies in their Christmas best

Papaw and John boy. He and mamaw are always talking about what a good baby he is.

Georgia and Deenie looking at some Christmas videos and pictures

Our selfie game is a work in progress as we maneuver to get everybody in the frame! 

John and Pa taking a Christmas nap

Ma and Pa and all their babies! Georgia always said she wanted to be the only girl and she got her wish :) She's our princess and helps keep the boys in line.

We gave Wick his first Radio Flyer wagon and now John has his first <3 I plan on keeping these so the boys can use them someday for their babies.

Poor O doesn't make it in a lot of pictures these days. It's partly because he won't be still for me to take one, and partly because we have three kids. Even this one is blurry but we sure love our doggy brother and choose to overlook all the items he's destroyed and all the poop on the nursery carpet :)

Our last baby's first Christmas and it was a special one

And that's a wrap on the Christmas season. It was different than most years with covid having an effect on visiting family and being able to do some of our traditions but we made the most of it. We missed going to church the most. We did our best to keep bringing everything back to the real meaning of the season but we are anxious to get back in church where we get a weekly dose of Jesus. I'm thankful for Christmastime and all the sweet memories that surround it.

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