Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Fall Break 2020

I desperately need to do a John Parker picture purge for the blog, but until then I will share some memories from our Fall Break. We decided to just stay home this year. Between life with a newborn and covid, we felt like time at home would be better spent. 

Even though we can't go and do like normal, we still found a few things to enjoy that were safe and baby-friendly. I love looking in my rear view mirror and seeing all three of my babies. Georgia and Jack argue over who sits in the row with John. This day Jack won and was on John duty :) We were parked in a Chic-Fil-A parking lot eating our lunch and Jack was unbuckling him so I could feed him. John has the best big siblings!

Here, mama! He decided if we were eating lunch, he wanted some lunch too.

We hit the Scarecrow Trail at Lost River Cave one day. I quickly regretted bringing our stroller instead of my carrier, but we made it. We couldn't have asked for better weather. It was warm and sunny with beautiful golden sunsets every evening. Marcus told me once that fall has Charlie Brown lighting and he couldn't be more right.

We saw some pretty cool Halloween displays. And it was all free!

Georgia liked the wedding scene. It was pretty crowded the day we went. I think everyone had the same idea.

Georgia and Jack have officially become the "big kids". They have grown up so much it seems since baby brother joined the family.

We ran into our friends Karla, Jenna and Al while we were there and Karla took this picture for me. She is the best! It was great to see them and catch up a little bit.

We also planned a day to meet the Salmons at Jackson's Orchard. This has become an annual tradition for us. Just look at all of these precious babies! Six babies ranging from seven to seven weeks :) 

Lottie is holding Jack's hand in this picture. She loves him so much! Poor John's pumpkin hat was so tight on his big head that his eyes were squished closed. 

Gammy and all of her babies. She is very proud!

The Salmons' kid picture was tough to get this year but I sure love Lottie's smile in this one.

And the Harrison kid picture just stops me in my tracks. When did my babies grow up so much?! Georgia is in a size one shoe and Jack is almost as tall as his big sis. Time is no mother's friend.

He doesn't get to hold his baby brother while standing very often yet but he really wanted to at the pumpkin patch so of course I let him!

This is one of my favorite days every fall. This picture just makes me smile with pride. I'll never understand how I was chosen to be their momma but I'm so glad God gave them to me.

Baby's first fall and first trip to the pumpkin patch. Third babies may not get as many pictures taken but the ones that are taken are high quality :)

We packed a picnic lunch to be safe and the kids thought it was neat.

The big kids took a hayride to the pumpkin patch to pick pumpkins/apples and walk the corn maze. 

Sweetest pumpkins in the patch!

Several of our neighbors went on vacation for fall break and we were in charge of keeping six cats alive and fed ha! Most days we strolled down to the Keown's to take care of mama cat and her four babies. I love this picture of my big boy pushing my baby boy. We are trying to make the most of these pretty days as long as we can. 

We picked up some pumpkins, mums and corn shocks to decorate our porch. My favorite decoration is Scouty-poo though. He is a big boy now and brings us joy. We love looking for him everyday because you never know where he will be-the rocker, the playhouse, the roof of the garage. He is a gadabout!

Pretty baby boy starring at mommy. I have no idea how I'm going to head back to work next month. I have LOVED staying home with him.

I even find the joy in these moments. I know this is the last baby and these days will be gone someday <3

Jack wanted to take this kitten home. 

More fall strolling fun!

The leaves are changing and I love my view.

This boy has dry skin so we only do a full bath once a week. Cleaning all of his squishy rolls is quite a task!

He loves bathtime

Fall break is in the books and we are back to school. It was nice to have a full week with everyone at home to enjoy the weather and being together. We made memories, caught up on rest and tackled a few things around the house. John Parker loved the extra attention he received too. I'm thankful for this season.

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