Saturday, September 26, 2020

John Parker is ONE month old!

And just like that he's one month new. Time, you are no mother's friend. It was a fast first month but such a rewarding one.

John Parker-you are one month old today!
  • You were 11 pounds 6 ounces (80th percentile) at your one month checkup. You have passed your brother and sister at this market despite Jack having a half pound on you at birth. You were 22” (60th percentile). We knew you were going to be a bruiser when we took you for your first checkup at two days old and you were already back to 8 pounds and then over that weekend you gained 9 oz putting you over your birth weight in just five days! You are wearing size 1 diapers and 0-3 month clothing.
  • You eat every three hours during the day and you give me one five hour stretch at night which is a dream. Thank you, son! You nurse exclusively but I have offered you a few breastmilk bottles and you weren’t phased! 
  • Your hair is blonde (you have less than Georgia or Jack), your eyes are still blue and you are a very round baby :) 
  • You like to eat, sleep on someone’s chest or in their arms preferably, ride in your carseat and look at lights and ceiling fans.
  • You don't like changing clothes, being hungry and poopy diaper changes.
  • Laying on your mommy's chest is your favorite place to nap. You sleep in your bassinet by me in your sleep sack.
  • So far you are a very happy and easy baby. You smile often when your belly is full and laugh out loud sometimes. You are so easy to take places because you typically sleep in your carseat the whole time. 

Big brothers had to join in on the picture action. 

Side by side comparison of all three babies. You have your sister’s nose and Jack’s lips. They both love you so much and help with you all they can. You are the luckiest baby boy to have them as your forever protectors!

Happy one month, baby boy! In a year of so many unthinkable lows, you have been an incredible high for us. Thank you, God, for our perfect boy.

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