Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Back To School 2020

It's 2020 which means nothing is normal, including school. Coronavirus continues to disrupt our daily routine and way of life.

School officially started on August 26th with at-home virtual learning. Obviously this is not ideal for a second grader and kindergartener, but we did our best to make the most of it. Oh, and throw a one week old in the mix and we could have starred in an entertaining family reality show :)

Our girl has made the biggest growth spurt she has ever had! I've completely had to replace her wardrobe. I'm excited to take her to the pediatrician for her check-up in a few months so they can see her progress. She's always been low (except when she was a baby) in the percentiles but I think she has made a mighty climb!

No way is this how I envisioned the start of his school career to go. Bless his heart he doesn't know any different so he was just as excited for whatever school looked like. Kids are so resilient. 

Second grade and Kindergarten. This happened way too fast for my liking.

I like using the porch rail as a measuring stick for our school pictures. I think her beauty and confidence shines through in her school pictures every year.

My middle baby went from a precious little boy to a big school kid.

And now to the main event...in-person school! Our district began in-person learning on September 14th with each class split into two groups. Georgia and Jack go to school on Mondays and Tuesdays only, and do virtual learning from home on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (they are allowed to go on Thursdays and Fridays some since Marcus is in the building). It's not what we are use to but it's better than nothing. 

Two excited kiddos at 5:45 am waiting for daddy to go to school. They arrived super early on the first day but have bumped it back now thankfully! Adrenaline was pumping on the first day so the early alarm didn't bother them :)

So excited to see their friends (with last names A-J ha!) and teachers!

"Bye mama and Johnny boy" :)

I snapped these after school on the 14th because that day things finally felt right. We were in school, backpacks were needed, friendships were rekindled and first impressions were made on their teachers. It was one of my favorite days of 2020. I hope I never take for granted the simple act of going to school.

Matching backpacks! Georgia is determined to pack hers her entire elementary career because her daddy told her that's what LL Bean backpacks are meant to do. She will do anything to please him!

Finally real second grade!

Finally real kindergarten!

Marcus's 11th year of teaching. I feel like the years are moving quick, he probably doesn't-especially this year ha! I'm proud of him and his commitment to his career and students.

Daddy and his girl. These two are a pair.

Dad was tasked by mom to take pictures outside of the school and he did a good job!

Year #3 at NBES-she moved to the big kid hallway this year
Year #1 at NBES-he loves school so far

We developed a loose routine and everything seems to be running smooth. They both love their teachers. I'm hopeful we can go to five days a week soon. Mama is not a teacher :)

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