Saturday, September 12, 2020

Hospital Pictures

I had forgot how fleeting the newborn phase can be and I'm doing my best to savor every moment. I'm sure knowing this is our last baby even amplifies the desire to soak it all in.  

I'm trying to keep our virtual family scrapbook as up to date as I can. I've also noticed the older I get the quicker I forget details, this is not a good thing in the life of a procrastinator! I hope I can post pictures on here regularly so I have a memory bank of these days. 

Here are the rest of the pictures from our hospital stay:

My sweet friend, Susan. Ironically, she has been working for all three of my babies' deliveries. She was actually the first person I seen as I walked through the L&D doors the night of the 18th and I instantly felt a sense of relief. She is amazing and I'm so glad she could be by my side every time!

His first selfie with mommy. Those first few hours after delivery I wish I could bottle and keep forever. You completely forget about what you've been through for the past nine months and most notably the past several hours. 

Since no one could be with us due to COVID, our awesome nurses grabbed my phone and took pictures for us! It was a small gesture that meant so much to me.

First picture with daddy. Look at him locking eyes with him. I loved this moment.


You know that nasty, just delivered a baby and haven't showered feeling? That was me in this moment but I had my boy and couldn't of cared less about it.

The virtual sibling meeting at 2 am! They had waited a long nine months and couldn't wait any longer. Another favorite moment of mine and I'm so proud of our big kids for making the most of a hard situation. 

A few pictures Daddy took after he came back to use clean from his first bath. He is just like his brother Jack and LOVES to be swaddled!

Our little butterball. I love his chunky newborn legs! 

Just living the eating-every-hour-the-first-few-days life :) Another memory I wanted to capture, even though I was very sleep deprived and exhausted. It's worth it.

We snapped a few pictures of him the morning before we headed home.

The miracle of your baby being inside of you one moment and in the world the next moment will never be lost on me. I'm forever grateful to get to experience this times three. 

The best snuggle buddy. As everyone has pointed out, he has my lips. 

Daddy and John Parker. We are still trying to wrap our mind around the fact we have two sons now!

Look at that proud Daddy smile!

Another sweet picture by Daddy. I love this one. I love all of his perfect features. Thank you God for our perfect boy.

A fun fact-we were in the same suite all three deliveries. Granted my hospital is small with an eight bed OB unit but I still think it's neat we were able to make the same room our home away from home for about a week of our lives!

Headed home with our boy! He was cozy in his car seat and rode home without making a peep just like his siblings. 

This is as truly as good as it gets on this side of heaven. In a year of unthinkable lows, I'm thankful for this unimaginable high through the gift of our son. I pray that everyone who knows John Parker can experience the same joy and love we feel!

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