Monday, September 7, 2020

John Parker's Birth Story

It has been hard to find the time but I finally sat down and documented John Parker's birth story. I have wrote the birth stories for Georgia and Jack, and now I'm writing the final chapter to the Harrison babies' birth stories. I hope my babies will enjoy reading these stories as much as I have enjoyed living them. 
On Tuesday, August 18th, I was scheduled for a late-afternoon appointment. I had been having contractions on and off (with a false alarm the previous Friday) for 4-5 days. The contractions had started again on Tuesday, around noon, but were more consistent and defined than earlier. I felt like it was time, but the false alarm had me second guessing myself. I just went to my appointment like normal, anxious to hear what my doctor had to say.

When I arrived, I told him I had been having contractions since noon, that were 4-5 minutes apart. He checked me and I was 3 cm and 70% thinned. We decided to monitor my contractions in his office for the next half hour to see if they continued.

After close to an hour, the contractions had increased to 3-4 minutes apart. My doctor decided to admit me to the OB unit to see if I progressed and if this was the real thing. Thankfully my doctor's office and the hospital are in the same building, so it was a quick walk from one place to the other (they offered a wheelchair but I decided if that was it, walking was only going to help me). 

At this point, I've been admitted to the hospital alone (COVID) with no hospital bag, my own vehicle in the parking lot, and contractions three minutes apart. It is true the third one keeps things exciting :) I called Marcus and he was able to drop off the big kids, get our bags, and arrive for almost all of the action. 

It was around 5:30-6 pm when I was admitted. At my first check, I was already to 4 cm, confirming the contractions were working and I was in active labor! I was so excited and relieved to know this was really it. After days of inconsistent contractions, no comfortable way to sleep, and pains and discomforts in numerous places, I was very ready to meet our baby!

We had a few little bumps in the road as is to be expected with a spontaneous delivery. My vein rolled when they were starting my IV, which was not fun. My wonderful nurse talked me through it and thank goodness I'm not squeamish like I use to be or we would have had a passed out mom, on top of the other issue we were dealing with! 

Around 8 pm, Dr. Lee showed up to check on me and decided to break my water. Our first scare occurred when he realized there was meconium in my water, which meant the baby had a bowel movement in the womb. He informed me this was not uncommon and generally was a low risk to the baby. However, a pediatrician would be in the room for delivery and the baby would go straight to the doctor to be checked to make sure the lungs were clear and everything was okay.

Dr. Lee checked me while breaking my water and I was 6-7 cm. I asked for my epidural before it was too late. The first attempt did not take. I didn't have any issues with my epidurals with Georgia and Jack, so I was shocked we were having problems this time around. The second attempt was a success and I felt relaxed and good and numb from that point on. Hallelujah :)

Next, my blood pressure dropped. This also happened with Jack (my final confirmation to myself that I was having a boy). They monitored it for a little bit and I continued to hang in the 80's/50's range so they gave me ephedrine to regulate it. It did the trick and I was back up to my normal 90-100/60-70. 

Things thankfully settled down at this point for a little while. Dr. Lee went back home until it was time for the actual delivery. I felt good and was able to just relax and be calm despite some of the small obstacles we had faced.

My L&D nurse Carrie (I love her, she was just wonderful!) came in to check me a little after midnight. She very calmly said "Well, you are complete". I said so are you saying like 9-10ish cm? She said oh you're a 10 and 100%, there's nothing left! She said I'm going to call the doctors and we're going to have a baby :)

It was the middle of the night but both doctors managed to arrive in what seemed like no time. The nurses prepped the room and prepared me for delivery while we briefly waited. Dr. Lee and Dr. Evans (pediatrician) arrived in the room and we immediately made ready for our baby! 

The first contraction I had, my doctor had me to do three strong pushes plus a "bonus" push. We didn't even wait for the next contraction, I pushed a final fifth time (total of a minute and a half of pushing) and our baby was here! 

And our baby was a BOY!

The moment I could see our surprise was a son was a top five moment of my life, hands down. Cue the tears and laughter and happy smiles and all the good stuff that makes life worth living. It is a moment I will never forget and can never be topped!

John Parker Harrison was born at 12:46 am on August 19th, 2020 (his birthday is neat as each number increases by one- 08/19/20). He weighed 8 lb 6 oz and was 21 inches long. His other measurements came in strong as well with a head circumference of 14" and his chest was 14 1/2". He definitely came out looking like a healthy bruiser :)

Due to the meconium in the womb, the pediatrician checked him out thoroughly as soon as he was born and confirmed he was perfectly healthy with no issues! The nurses and doctors immediately commented on his hefty size and strong, clear lungs. The relief Marcus and I both felt when they began telling us everything looked great and his APGAR score was a 9 within a few minutes was the best news we could hear. 

Our big, healthy boy! John Parker fell in between his siblings in size with Georgia weighing in at 8 lb 2 oz and big brother Jack leading the way at 9 lb. Everyone always wants to know how I have such big babies. I honestly don't know but I love that they are. They are good eaters and good sleepers from day one. 

After the exam from the pediatrician and the nurses recording all his measurements, I was able to hold him and take him all in. He had been pretty agitated with all the poking and prodding but as soon as they laid him on my chest, he stopped fretting completely. Another mama's boy in the making :) He nursed for the first time and it couldn't have gone any better. He acted like he had done it a hundred times and has continued to be a champ eater. I'm one proud mama!

I instantly thought he looked like Georgia. He has her nose, and with his eyes closed, and especially a profile view, he looked so much like her! But I could also see Jack with the big lips and expressions. He is a perfect blend of his siblings and uniquely John Parker all in one.

Of course John Parker's birth story is unique in that he was born during the COVID pandemic, which restricted us from having any visitors at the hospital. I'm very thankful he was my third child and not my first. This wasn't our first rodeo and we felt prepared to do it all just the two of us. We were highly disappointed Georgia and Jack could not meet him in person until we came home. I'm not going to lie, I was bummed for several months when I realized this would be the reality. However, we did enjoy the extra rest and privacy with no visitors. It all worked out and we have our healthy baby which is the most important thing. 

John Parker is two weeks old now and doing amazing. He is the center of all of our worlds. His big siblings are completely wrapped up in him and do all they can to help him and me. I couldn't be more proud of them through this transition!

Praise God for another healthy baby, who we are so undeserving of, yet eternally thankful for. He completes us, and God knew exactly what we needed. More pictures and details about our JPH II to come! :)

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