Sunday, December 6, 2020

Fall, Homemade Halloween and All the In-Between

I had to go to an appointment and our friends Ash and Ben kept baby John for me. Ben was so excited John was coming over to play ha! I don't think he was too disappointed with the lack of playing. I'm so thankful they could watch him for me on a day's notice so I didn't have to get him out.

The Ross boys are always fun visitors to have! Georgia is definitely outnumbered when they come around. Harris's new specks is the cutest thing ever.

He hasn't taken too many of these in his short life so we started practicing. He is happy with either, but does prefer mommy :)

Just a baby dressed as a pumpkin chilling while mom cooks supper

Dressing babies up for their first holidays has to be some of the best moments of life

He thinks so too!

Pumpkin carving night. This girl took the cleaning out seriously.

They couldn't wait to roast the seeds and reminded us several times to make sure daddy didn't throw them away! If you know this story, you know how funny this is.

Our annual tradition of watching It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. Brother bear mainly just watched mommy <3

I feel spread plenty thin these days but try to be in tune with when I need to give extra attention to my big kids. We decided to go on a walk this afternoon and we all needed it! Then the three of us jumped on the trampoline together. This was my first time on it considering they received it for Christmas last year and I've been pregnant ever since ha! 

My boys. We use to call Jack chubs but I think we know who the real chubs is :)

A full lap but an even fuller heart!

Navigating social gatherings this year has been a challenge to say the least. This was the week of Georgia's birthday party. One of her friends was quarantined and one just didn't feel comfortable attending (totally understand). She was sad but after talking about it, she decided she did want to have her party and we would celebrate no matter how many could come.

I'm so glad we went ahead and had her party because postponing it would have been even harder. I was worried we would be a super spreader event lol! But thankfully everyone was happy and safe. It felt like pre-covid days and that was a nice feeling!

Gracyn, Embry, Brinley, Georgia, Ella Kate and Lola. Sweet girls who mean so much to our girl!

A sleepover isn't a sleepover until you do a little spa treatment.

My favorite picture from the night! I questioned my sanity a few times hosting a girls sleepover with a newborn (Jack stayed with Gram until bedtime) but these girls are the best and everything went great.

All snug as a bug, minus Jack and Brinley who slept with us :)

Halloween 2020 featuring Linus, Charlie Brown and Lucy! The idea to have a matching theme was Georgia and Jack's; the Peanuts theme idea was mine. I thought they were the cutest!

There's just something about homemade costumes that I love. Every piece I found and made it work for their character. I'm sure Jack will be ready to be some superhero or scary person next year, but I'll always remember this homemade halloween.

It was a full moon and I snapped this cool picture of the moon over the cemetery behind ma and pa's house

Charlie enjoyed his first Halloween. He slept in his carseat the entire time :)

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