Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Jack Starts AKK

I hope I can get caught up with week on all my posts because it's been a busy two weeks celebrating lots of new things for Jack! A big highlight has been Jack becoming an AKK preschooler. Jack stayed at Grandmomma's house three days a week but he was just one-on-one with her. Now he gets to graduate to being downstairs with the other preschoolers including big sister Georgia!

His first official day. He was just a little excited. I still can't believe this day is already here. 

On his first day he got to hold the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance and My Country Tis' of Thee :) 

His first coloring sheet. 

He was right on target for a new incoming two year old :) SO proud of him! 

Nap time has been tricky for our boy. It's been an adjustment going from napping in a crib and Grandmomma rocking him sometimes to sleeping on a mat in a room full of his friends. The first day it took him an hour to go to sleep, the second day he never slept (!) and the third day it just took thirty minutes. He just LOVES to talk and has a hard time being quiet HA! He was saying things like "No talking" "Georgia sleeping" "Shut the door". Hopefully next week will go better and he will be napping like a champ soon! 

I'm proud of him and how he is adjusting to AKK. He is going to test limits and will probably have his fair share of timeout visits but he's a good boy with a big personality and even bigger heart :) He's going to learn so much and have so much fun!

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