Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Playroom, Garden and Ruthie!

You would think I would find more time to blog now that we are staying home, but nope ha! The reality is I'm still working, two kids ages seven and five have steady needs throughout the day and I have used this time to work on projects that we never have time to complete. I'm also cooking and cleaning more since we are getting the house dirtier being here all the time. It's been a nice slow down but we haven't been bored by any means.
This is one of those projects that kept getting put off that we decided to tackle. Just look at that sight! This is how they both love to play by making humongous messes. I don't understand it.

But one rainy afternoon and we were back in playroom business! Plus they both had their first experience running a vacuum. 

Jack enjoyed it more than his sister. I hope I can start channeling this so he will help me around the house but not holding my breath :)

As good as new! I think they have a really sweet space for a playroom. Maybe they won't trash it this time and we can keep it functional.

They had to use it immediately to watch Beetlejuice with some popcorn and Gatorade.

And then decided they needed to sleep in there at bedtime <3 I love my babies!

The rain left and we were back outside enjoying it. We He tilled the garden up one final time on Tuesday so we could plant on Wednesday (4/22/20).  
One of my favorite days of the year-planting day!

This year we planted tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, squash, zucchini, green beans and spinach. A few things we tried last year weren't successful so we replaced them with new veggies. I'm sure in a few years we will have our favorite crops that we plant every year.

Jack's a perfect garden kid. He NEVER has shoes on.

Mom and baby even got in on the action

I like to take pictures of the seeds and plants we get each year for reference. I'll post garden updates over the course of the summer.

On another rainy day, Georgia was upstairs playing and Jack was downstairs with us. We noticed a paper flew into the living room from our hallway. It was this most precious note. My MIL gave Georgia a personalized big sister activity book when Jack was born and this was one of the activities. I couldn't love it anymore.

They haven't been anywhere to actually have to wear them but we are equipped if there is a need!

The best news-our niece Ruthie is here! She was born on Sunday April 28th, 2020 weighing 6 pounds 2 ounces and 19 inches long. She is our tiny little dollbaby! We all can't believe how tiny she is. She is beautiful, she has her mama's eyes. I'm so thankful for a healthy baby and sister! God has been so good to us.

COVID-19 prevented us from being there for her birth. I can either be sad I've missed the birth of both of my nieces (Lottie-the Pacific Ocean when they were missionaries in Turkey and Ruthie-COVID pandemic) or just be thankful that's all I have to miss. I choose the latter. This was our virtual meeting on Sunday afternoon! It did our heart good to see her even though we can't touch her right now.

Ruthie and Paige-twins!

They are all doing well and Ruthie is already home due to 24-hour discharges during the pandemic. They are adjusting and already have some hilarious stories about sibling rivalries and attention, especially our girl Lottie Kate :)

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