Sunday, May 31, 2020

May Days

I have two weeks worth of pictures that belong in our family memory book. Things are slowly starting to go back to normal and summer is here. Thank you Lord for both of those things!

27 weeks with baby #3 (photo credit: Georgia)
Cravings: Chocolate ice cream, juice, peaches, fruit in general, some meats
Discomforts: inner thigh pain, indigestion, sore gums and teeth (weird, I know) but nothing major
Movement: this baby is a wildcat! I feel movements all throughout the day-kicks, punches, rolls. 
Things to remember: Georgia and Jack have to see and kiss my belly everyday. They are so ready to meet their brother or sister. They have been amazing at understanding I can't do all the things I use to be able to do and they have been big helps with physical things that have become a challenge for me. They are going to be a HUGE help to me raising this child!

This picture was Georgia's idea, I think she knows what she's doing. Sweet baby #3.

She is fascinated with wearing a ball/pillow under her shirt to look like me ha! Her doll playing has also increased as she prepares for big sisterhood.

We start the Bears Lunchbox Express 2020 edition on Monday! Despite all the unknown, it's going to be a great summer providing for our students.


After! I'm ashamed to admit the chairs came with the house and after the first year, we tossed the cushions and I haven't purchased others or used this space. I didn't realize what we were missing! We love this space now for morning coffee, watching the kids play and waiting on food from the grill. 

As I mentioned, things are reopening and I love the emphasis everyone seems to be putting on the great outdoors. I also have a heart for great design and I love this graphic so I had to share :)

Our first crop from the garden- a bowl full of spinach!

Wick loves coming to our house to play and he got a little extra bang for his buck with a new haircut this time!

So handsome and sweet!
We gave Georgia this pink desk for her birthday in the fall. We finally have it the way we want it. Chapter books in a neat storage shelf, pictures and art supplies-she loves this space!

The Salmons came to visit one evening and sweet girl was wide eyed and bushy tailed! She has grown so much since birth, we are so proud of her.

This boy didn't have to go home, he got to stay for a sleepover! This was his first sleepover and we had some warm chocolate pudding to celebrate the occasion.

Matching pjs and they made plans to wear them so they could look alike at the sleepover. And Bo is holding a baby doll. Nope, it doesn't get sweeter than that.

They all slept together on Georgia's mattress in the playroom

Goodnight, babies! They slept all night (Jack ended up in bed with us but Georgia and Bo stuck it out). Bo was so proud of himself the next morning.

We dropped Bo off at his house and headed out for a fun day of hiking. It just so happened to be our tenth anniversary as well. We had always said we would take a trip to celebrate ten years but between COVID and baby #3, that couldn't happen this year. We are hoping for a 12th anniversary trip :)

First stop-Mammoth Cave. We chose a trail that took us down to the banks of the Green River.

Second stop: Shanty Hollow. Georgia walked the whole way and Jack had a small piggy back ride but finished strong. They both caught naps between the two hiking trails so that helped give them extra energy. 

The waterfall at Shanty Hollow is your reward for hiking the trail. Baby #3 was a trooper!
The kids received these little coolers as part of their Christmas this past year. Our goal is to cover their coolers with stickers from their childhood travels. Jack's is blue, we went to Jackson Hole, WY before he was born so that's what he's missing but I have a feeling they will both be full by the time they are grown and on their own. I hope they love this childhood souvenir as much as we will love all the travels and memories.

Last Saturday we visited mamaw and papaw's strawberry patch. We pick it every May and this year was a great harvest. Papaw created a plank system to allow you to pick the strawberries that are in the middle of the patch (it's square shaped). Way to go, Papaw!

We checked out their garden and visited the creek. I love my grandparents so much.

Sweet babies with extra cucumber plants that we will try to transplant in our garden since ours didn't come up this year.

Saturday was also the first swim of the year! Woohoo!

O has warmed up to the Jeep and loves Jeep rides now. This picture is hilarious!

We spent Memorial Day at Gammy and Gran Stan's pool with them, Mamaw and the Salmons! The big girls were pool ready!

The big kids ready to officially welcome in summer!

Mini Eric and mini Paige

Not-so-mini :(

Baby #3 took his/her first swim

Surrounded by beauty!

Trying to teach her the kissy face :)

A little Ruthie lovin'. She loves her Aunt Kait!

Mama's boy taking a rest after a day full of going wide open ha!

Tuesday was my final US, glucose test and regular OB visit. The office visit went well. I gained another 4 lbs, BP 108/62, baby's heart rate 136 (baby was to the side so it was lower but Dr. Lee said it was fine). I start appointments every two weeks now! Glucose test was uneventful and baby was never stubborn at the final US so no great profile pictures to share! But everything looked perfect so that's all that matters. I am preparing myself for another stubborn child...

Tooth #7 is gone! You can already see her permanent tooth ready to go. Her dentist says it will move more in line over time.

Garden 5/29/20
Tomatoes and peppers look great. Squash, spinach and some beans also coming right along. Cucumbers and zucchini have been disappointing so far.

We are on vacation to OBA this week, our last trip as a family of four! Pictures to come.

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