Tuesday, November 24, 2015

November Notes

One year ago this week we moved into our house and started a new life between walls that gave us room to grow our family. I was already four months pregnant with Jack and we couldn't wait for this year to be able to experience the holidays as a family of four.

One year later and our dreams are reality. Thanksgiving is Marcus's favorite holiday so I think it is special that was the week that we moved, just in time to host our first Thanksgiving. Literally Marcus was building our entertainment center Thanksgiving Eve so we could watch the parade.

God is good and provides and blesses us beyond what we deserve.

While my sister was in Turkey I was at home entertaining these two turkeys. It was 5pm when I took this picture and we were already in our jammies. Roast and veggies were in the crockpot and Charlie Brown Thanksgiving was on the tube. It was my favorite kind of Friday night.

Saturday Georgia went to a shoebox filling party for Operation Christmas Child with her Gammy and Jack and I went out to run errands. He is soooo heavy in his infant seat so I carried him around in some stores and I failed as a mommy to put a hat on him. I did cover his head with the blanket but that wasn't enough. We were at the ped's office Monday for Jack's first sickness. He has a left ear infection. My poor babies and their ears. I hope this isn't indicative of the future for him. He's already feeling better and I'm thankful that was all it was. We will wear hats at all time (both kids) until May!!

We dress up every night, often times in several different styles. This is her ballerina outfit she says, she has watched the Rockettes at preschool and is into dancing right now. We will probably let her try dance in the spring, no doubt she is interested.

I have slacked on my picture taking lately. We've all had a little bit of the crud and I've taken a little break from my phone, social media, etc. I need every ounce of energy I have to wrangle the babes :)

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