Thursday, March 5, 2015

In Like A Lion

I'm starting to sound like a broken record and I'm running out of snowy titles. Snowstorm Thor hit Wednesday night and we woke up Thursday morning to fifteen inches of snow! This was the most snow we have seen in southern Kentucky in decades. It was by far the most snow Marcus and I have seen in our lifetime. 

Needless to say we were snowed in again. Even though it's March and you think spring when this month rolls around, these snow days have been a blessing. This extra time we have both had at home with Georgia Grace couldn't have come at a better time as she will quickly lose her only child crown next month. I will always be thankful for the extra one-on-one time we have had this week. 

However, as much as I have loved this snow, spring better immediately follow :)

Here is what our week has looked like:

Monday was Dr. Seuss' Birthday and Georgia Grace and her preschool buddies celebrated the occasion. I asked them why she was holding up the #1 sign and we think either she thought he was turning one or she was participating in the countown until they took the picture ha! I love it either way.

Our big girl has turned into a budding artist. I was impressed with this picture she colored (in her free time) for her Aunt Shanna (who is also her preschool teacher). We bragged and bragged on her and I'll be sure to upload it to her Artkive.

Now flashback to Wednesday night when snowstorm Thor arrived. It started as rain, sleet, ice, and then snow. 

We let Owie out for 5 minutes to do his nighttime business and he came back inside looking like a powdered donut!

The next morning Daddy, GGH and Owen played in our fresh, thick blanket of snow. Mommy and her big ol' belly watched and hollered out the upstairs nursery window. The snow was up to Georgia's waist in some places but she had a ball! They didn't stay out long because it was bitter cold but they had their feel.

You better believe we all enjoyed some snow day napping too. How did I ever get so lucky?

I could sit and watch her sleep all day.

The next day Marcus decided it was time to shovel the driveway if we wanted to get out anytime soon. Our driveway is one tenth a mile long so this was no quick or easy task. I appreciate my family man!

Friday night Marcus's parents came and got us and took us out to eat. I wanted to remember this once in a lifetime snow so my mother-in-law took this picture of our family of "four". It's my new favorite. So many blessings in one picture.

When we came back home we made monkey bread for dessert. I had intentions of doing a before and after picture but we tore into it too fast for an after picture ha! It was so delicious.

Since I've had more free time this week I've been able to go through Georgia Grace's closet and get some outfits ready to sell. This will be the last one I do for a while but I knew once Jack got here this wouldn't get done so it's now or never. I'm selling around 40 items/outfits and I still have several bins saved just in case there is ever another Harrison baby girl :)

Saturday was in the 40's-50's so we spent more time out in the snow. Georgia's Pa brought Marcus's old sled and they pulled her around in it in the yard. They were sweaty and winded, she was laughing and smiling :) 

And then they built a snowman! He was an impressive snowman, the snow was perfect for packing.

She has been holding back her snowman building skills :) 

The snow is melting and hopefully we will be back on a regular schedule this coming week. Breaks in routine are nice but routines are nice too. This break has given me time to rest, prep for baby and spend extra time with my first baby. It has been snow days well spent.

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