Sunday, November 20, 2016

iPhone dump

The holidays are here and my phone is full of pictures I need to document so I'm doing a little photo binge. 

My Mamaw keeps Jack one day a week for us and I forgot to pack a shirt for him one day. She didn't have anything at her house so we went to her basement and found this shirt that was my Dad's! It was part of his Easter outfit from back in the 60's. It was in perfect condition and I think he felt spiffy in it. 

For Georgia's OWL Academy, they give all the preschoolers a Brigance test. Back in October I took Georgia for her test. We already knew how gifted she was but this confirmed it for us. I'm so so proud of her. She made a 100 and Mrs. Brandie said she answered all her questions quickly and confidently. We've already determined she is Ivy League bound.

So then we mapped it and realized it's a little more than a hop, skip and jump to Harvard. Or she might be the next Rory Gilmore and go to Yale. Thankfully that is far, far in the future!

We enjoyed the new firepit this fall. Jack especially did when he could snuggle with Daddy. 

Reading to his stuffed puppy that reminds us all of Owen <3 Jack loves to read and requests "books" all the time. His favorites are books about cows. 

Sweet girl wearing a cat face during her trip to the American Girl store with Aunt Shanna and Uncle Jake

After almost two years we finally received a new picture of our compassion child, Fitsum! It was so exciting for us to see how much he has grown in the span of time. We love this boy and pray for his well-being and future. It's a blessing for us to have a small part in his life. 

Caught red handed doing what he loves to do-make messes. But look at those big puppy dog eyes that scream "Don't be mad, Mommy!".

AKK Preschoolers enjoying the new slide that Granddad installed. Love those sweet babies!

I took the kids shopping last week and we took an elevator selfie. And then we rode the escalator several times and that was the highlight of the day for them.

I am running a sick bay at our house. Jack is getting over his sickness (right ear infection and croup) from last week and now Georgia is down with pneumonia in her right lung :( We have had a very healthy year so I guess it was time for this. Last November they both had ear infections at the same time. I am going to be nervous for November to roll around next year!

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