Monday, February 24, 2014

Storms & Sunshine

Lightning struck our house last Thursday and did some significant damage to our electricals. Consequently, we had to spend a good portion of our weekend cleaning and repairing. We have been living at Grandmomma and Granddad's house while our house is being mended. I'm just so thankful we have an electrician in the family and family nearby with plenty of space for extra company. And that the damage wasn't any worse and that we were not home when the storm hit.

Georgia Grace and Owen love it at their great-grandparents and we do too so it's been an enjoyable retreat. Not to mention we are going to be very spoiled by the time we head home without our maid :) They have ruined us no doubt. 

Feeding her baby Friday afternoon. She dotes on her babydolls so much. I love that she loves babydolls.

Her favorite food for the week-corn
She loves for me to cut it off the cob for her and to eat a big cluster of the kernels. Whatever works baby girl!

Saturday was an absolutely gorgeous day. Of course we had to go play outside for a little while.

Sweet girl sliding. The breath of fresh air this day brought was therapeutic for all of us.

Did I tell you bath time was a hit now? Proof in the pruning :)

My brother was in town this weekend so went to church and lunch with him and his girlfriend Sarah on Sunday. He should find out in a month or so where he will be relocated. Fingers crossed it's Louisville or Nashville this time!

Happy Monday! This week has potential to be an awesome one!

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