Sunday, July 14, 2013

First Blogiversary

One year ago today Harrison Homeplace started with this post about our vacation to Hilton Head island. I remember writing that post and hoping that there would be many more posts to follow and that I would make blogging a part of my weekly routine. 365 days and 166 posts later Harrison Homeplace is still going strong! 

Blogging for me is my digital scrapbook. I am the world's worst about taking the time to scrapbook or keep written records. I have the best of intentions to do those things but I have never made them a priority. I am keeping a baby book for Georgia Grace and, not surprisingly, I am behind. And when I get behind I refer to this blog for all my data on her life. For me this just works and I love that it allows me to share our memories with family and friends.

To commemorate one year of Harrison Homeplace, I have made a list of my 10 favorite posts. I enjoyed this trip down memory lane:








Six month portraits here and here


And of course my favorite post of all is Georgia's Birth Story. Her life is the primary reason I started blogging and she has given me so much good material to post about ha! All of her firsts are scattered throughout the pages of my blog book and I can't wait to share them with her someday. 

This is my piece of the "then" that I can hold onto forever.

Thanks to my readers for taking an interest in my little corner of the www! One year down and many many more to go!

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